Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Are you stuck in your comfort zone?

What you focus on expands.  

The Eleanor Roosevelt quote below came across my Personal Trainer feed the other day.  It posted to my Facebook page and the response was overwhelming - people commenting on the quote and sparking discussions about major milestones in front of them and what is holding them back.  

I read as part of my daily routine and the next thing I know I come across the Seal quote. This came from a book by Jesse Itzler entitled Living with a Seal.  Jesse hired a retired military Seal to live with his family for 30 days.  To say he stepped out of his comfort level would put it mildly but the growth and knowledge that he gained by doing it was amazing.   

Then while riding along in my weekly interval cycling class, Coach Bob increased the intensity of the overall workout and up’d my FTP to make the workout even more challenging than it already was.  The overall message is when you think that you are at your max you are usually really at 40-60% and there is always more stored in the tank to give the next effort and the growth that results from pushing to the next level is tenfold.  

I coach both youth and junior triathlon several times a week.  We have been reiterating these messages.  These young athletes are seeing results from their bodies that they never thought were possible.  It is awesome to watch them face the challenge in front of them and push to the other side.  I also experienced and watched our adult members reach new levels as we max’d out on the dead lift, squat and chest press.  I personally saw weights on all three that I felt were completely out of reach and now have become part of my daily routine.  I would never have gone there on my own.  

Why do we chose to stay where we are comfortable?  Do we stay because it is known to us, familiar, we know what to expect and we also know what life will continue to look like if we stay here.  We set goals and have visions that hopefully challenge us past our comfort level.  Many goals and visions are never reached because we fear.  I challenge you to step out of your comfort zone.  Take a risk.  Pursue your vision and make your vision a reality.  

I have some big visions that sit in front of me for the next few years.  I am the first to admit that several of them scare the heck out of me!  The ones that do scare me and the ones that I have now embraced would surprise you.  I am excited about new opportunities that they will provide and the journey that it will take to get there.  Stay tuned for the reports!  One Day...One Step!  Courage to Start.  Strength to Endure.  Resolve to Finish!

Do something every day that scares you.

Every day do something that makes you uncomfortable

You can always give more than you are currently giving

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