Wednesday, September 21, 2016

The "Race Day" Mindset

It’s race week.  On Sunday, September 25th at 7:30 I will toe the start line of the biggest race that I have participated in to date.  It has been an amazing journey to reach race day.  I committed to be a part of TeamEdith as a part of the IRONMAN Chattanooga team on October 23, 2015.  I remember sending the message to Christina at Edith Sanford and telling her I was in and feeling a pit develop as to holy cow what did I just commit to/agree to.  Not only the biggest race of my life but also a hefty fundraising goal.  

The journey to a goal starts with a vision.  In this case the vision had been written several times prior to now that I wanted to finish an IRONMAN.  My mind was set on something that I wanted to do but I had yet to commit.  By sending the message to Christina - the vision shifted from a “dream” to reality.  Now it was time to make it happen.  The vision had provided the outcome that I wanted, and it was now time to figure out what it would take to make it happen.

I tend to attach myself to “Social Proof” when I take on a challenge that instills a large level of fear in me.  If so and so can do this...then surely I can too.  Not always the best attitude to have - it has landed me in marathons, Spartan Races, Ragnars, 70.3 and now a commitment to 140.6 (or since it is CHOO 144.6!)  Time to look at the “why.”  Is it the finish, the journey, the fact that it is for a cause, the aftermath?  In my case a combination of all of those things.  

Now it was time to build my toolbox.  I looked at my front row.  Were the people in my front row the support that I need to get me through the training, the fear and everything that I would face.  There were some shifts and I am truly grateful to be in a huge theater with an amazingly large front row - my support has been overwhelming - family, friends, training partners.  The next tool was the accountability piece.  Deciding that it was not an option to skip the workout and understanding the impact on my overall vision if I did.  Allotting the necessary time.  It required saying no to many things to ensure that I had proper rest and ample time to make positive deposits along the way.  The daily affirmations made a switch - embracing the One Day...One Step mentality and adding in the Courage Start.  Strength to Endure.  Resolve to Finish.  Every day was visiting if the step I was taking was a positive deposit toward the ultimate goal.   I looked at my toolbox to determine what motivates me.  Reading is a big one, podcasts, friends, challenges, support and the impact it will have on my journey today and moving forward.

I read a quote yesterday that resonated with me - it was contained in The Miracle Morning for Parents and Families.  “The difference between involvement and commitment is like ham and eggs.  The chicken is involved; the pig is committed.” - Martina Navratilova  “Being all in is the key to making things happen.”  I am all in!!

Since October 23, 2015, training has played a big piece in my journey.  I have biked for nearly 195 hours and 2655 miles, run nearly 80 hours and 417 miles, swam nearly 75 hours and 184,850 yards  and nearly 90 hours of strength training.  Almost 450 hours of training.  At times in the best shape of my life, at other times feeling that certain areas were lacking.  It’s hard to fit it all in…  I have spent equally as much time if not more training my mind and preparing for my day.  You read the challenges that I have faced with my mindset in my past blogs but mindset is a huge piece of this puzzle.  What the mind believes - the body achieves.

I am continuing to work on my mindset every step of the way.  The body has as much done as I can do at this point.  I am embracing Sunday as a part of my journey and will face the day - one day and one step at a time.  Stay tuned!  

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