Many of us take the time in our everyday life to set goals or develop a vision for how we see our lives down the road. Some are physical challenges, some are financial goals, others are things that we hope to see or do with people in our lives. Goals and visions typically don’t happen without some level of commitment and hard work - if they do - then maybe they aren’t big enough!
We are all granted the same 24 hours in any given day. From there it is our choice how we utilize the time. If we chose to go through the motions of our routines are we ultimately moving closer to our goals or treading water where we are.
Ask yourself before you take the time if this choice is a positive deposit toward my ultimate goal. Will it help me get one step closer? After all reaching a goal is a series of many small steps not one giant leap. If you hesitate or answer no, it may be time to opt for something else or know if you proceed that it will not be a positive deposit in the goal’s bank.
How do you show up? If you arrive to complete your workout because your schedule says you are supposed to train today, but you are feeling run down, tired, under the weather or just not into it. Will following through with the workout be a positive deposit or will it create damage that will ultimately impact not only today but future training. This can be when injury happens so proceed with caution. Ultimately making the choice and understanding the value of a positive deposit may help you to proceed differently when the scenario presents itself again. Think about it in the workplace, showing up with the same attitude presented above. Will your productivity be good or will you find yourself lost in email and social media trying to pass the day? Go back to the source and determine how to prevent that attitude the next time, perhaps it is saying yes to sleep instead of having a night out with friends.
Choices that lead to positive deposits will help you stay on track with your journey and will ultimately see you reaching your goals. Be patient! One Day...One Step!
I'm taking the time to learn to get more organize to help me make those positive deposits. I have gotten away from doing a daily planner, which I now know was a huge mistake. Planning is they key for me to keep focused so I can prepare for success. I'm so proud to be learning from you.