I had to the opportunity to learn more about myself and my internal workings recently. What I learned was awesome and exciting news for me.
Let’s rewind a bit. Last year at this time, I was training for my first Ironman 70.3 event. I had completed my first marathon in October 2014 and set my sights on Ironman Boulder 70.3. Lots of endurance events - long and slow. My training day to day, as directed by my coach at the time was pounding mile after mile of training with very little fluctuation from low heart rate training. I venture to say that I was a pretty forward moving athlete. I was comfortable running distance, biking distance and swimming distance. I finished the Ironman Boulder 70.3 event and was very satisfied with my results.
I did not have any blood work done at this time last year but know looking back at my training data that the vast majority of my training was in my first and second heart rate zones. I did virtually no anaerobic training and my data shows that.
I have spent the last 10 months since the race, with lots of encouragement, coaching and direction from Coach Bob, learning to train outside of my comfort zone and developing my anaerobic system which I didn’t believe existed. This 42 year old Mom was perfectly content knowing that I could complete virtually any distance that I set out to do at my pace.
I took on many challenges that I didn’t think were possible for me and have seen fitness levels and success that I never dreamed possible. There were times that I believed that I couldn’t succeed at the task at hand but was encouraged to keep going.
The results, in preparing for my first Ironman in September, I feel stronger than I ever have. (Even more fit than I was in my competitive soccer days). I have body definition that I didn’t think was possible for me and I approach challenges with a new confidence.
I had the opportunity to pop my hood the other day with a Lactate Test. Lactate threshold is commonly known as the exercise intensity or blood lactate concentration at the one we can only sustain a high intensity effort for a specific period of time. The findings of my test were completely fascinating to me. I now have more training room in my zones 3, 4 and 5 and my zones 1 and 2 have been substantially reduced. Remember a year ago where my training was? I have essentially done a 180 with my body and it has translated to faster swim times (over 1:00 off my 200 swim time year over year) and stronger rides and runs.
I am taking on a couple of shorter distance and more anaerobic events in the next few months to take advantage of this training and then plan to switch gears to further prepare my zones 1 and 2 for Ironman in September as endurance will be key to the finish.
I constantly repeat my quotes on life - one day...one step. Courage to Start...Strength to Endure and Resolve to Finish. Changes are possible. Age is not a factor if you don’t let it be and if you get over the block that your mind provides, anything truly is possible.
For additional information about Lactate Threshold - Here is an article
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