Friday, December 18, 2015

Pillars of Training - A Good Book

An important part to my overall training plan and daily routine is taking time to focus on mindset.  One piece of my mindset building is to read about 15 pages each day.  The books that I select typically focus around training and other’s achievements in reaching their goals or books with strategies on bettering my business practices which I ultimately find carrying over into life practices as well.  

I have read 17 books in the last 12 months.  If you are interested in the titles or would like recommendations, visit my books list on my Facebook page.  I update it each morning that I finish a book.   My book selections come from recommendations that I receive from friends or various conferences and educational sessions that I attend as well as books that I see discussed in my daily news feeds.

My ultimate goal with reading is to set my mind for a positive and productive day.  Sometimes the insight provides a practical application to implement in my routine, other times it is the mentality that if they can do it so can I.  The ultimate goal is to always take things back to basics and attack each challenge one day and one step at a time.  

People often comment to me that they don’t have time to read.  My answer to them is that I don’t have time not to read.  The books that I have read are definitely pillars in my journey - some that will be re-read several times throughout my path and some that provided inspiration along the way.  I challenge you to read along side me in 2016 and report back on how it impacts your journey.

Courage to Start. Strength to Endure. Resolve to Finish.

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