Sunday, June 11, 2017

Ironman Boulder 2017 Race Report

3 a.m. Sunday morning saw Mike, Abby Lynn and Me loaded in the car and headed to Boulder.  This was Abby’s first in person Ironman experience as she was excited to be there from start to finish.  After scoping out parking on previous trips this week, we headed to our garage and walked from there in the dark, quiet streets of Boulder to the Special Needs drops and onto the shuttle to the reservoir.  It was a dark, quiet ride.  All stuffed in on the bus.  The music played through the crackly bus speakers and definitely did not provide the excitement boost that was needed.  


We unloaded off the bus and I made one last trip to my bike to prepare everything for the day ahead.  The bike was ready to roll. Now it was time to wait.  We were bundled up and camped next to the fence by bodymarking.  I had the opportunity to greet many friends and to see teammates as we all prepared for the day.  

We headed to the boat ramp as go time arrived.  Last hugs and kisses to Mike and Abby and the slow, cold shuffle to the water’s edge began.  I was fortunate to connect with Maureen and Lori from Team Poppy and we entered the water together.  Shuffling past we saw many friends and following Lori’s lead all hugged Mike Reilly before heading in.  Emotions all over the board - tears, excitement, fear and more.  

The water turned out to be quite warm on race day.  Low 70s.  Almost mocking the conversation we had had a few weeks back about being too cold to swim at all.  The swim started and I was quick to settle into pretty clear water and start plugging away.  It was relatively uneventful.  I remember pausing for a moment around mid way and taking in the view from the furthest point out in the res and thinking to myself that shore looks like it is a long way away and those tents on shore are really small!  I pressed on.  After making the final turn on shore I managed to become tangled up with two male athletes.  Not sure which or us or if it was all three of us were not swimming straight but we were crossing and our paths kept getting tangled.  We were progressing although I was not able to get away.  At this point, I saw my friend Khem on a kayak.  I paused and said hi to her and after a quick visit went on to finish the swim.  Khem reached out to me after the race, she said you know you stopped to say hi right?  I said - yes, I enjoyed seeing you!  I was not going to make or break my day and I enjoyed the visit!  1:29:58
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Headed out on the bike, I felt excitement.  I had completed the swim and completed it ahead of schedule so now was off to the familiar part of my day and ready to execute a plan.  I was happy to see Mike and Abby as I passed from transition and to my bike.  My goal for the ride was to have fun and have consistent, fast times on each loop.  I stopped for the first time at Bike Aid #2 on 65th.  I had a potty stop and at a bar before heading off again.  The loop was pretty uneventful, on schedule and felt good.  It was fun to see Team eNRG as I passed through Special Needs and motivated me to see them on the next round.  I dropped an electrolyte bottle as I was passing through reservoir road starting my second loop.  An unexpected bump dislodged it - fortunately I did not get penalized - but based on learning from this problem in CHOO I knew the value of stopping at the next aid to make sure that I had all fluids in place again.  This was not the time to fall behind on fluids.  I stopped at BIKE AID #1 on Neva Rd.  Here is where I met one of my favorite volunteers of the day.  She was a young girl, perhaps about Abby’s age and she was ready to do anything that I needed.  A restroom stop, fresh water, a bottle of ketones mixed and I was ready to head out.  I had another bottle of electrolytes at Special Needs so I would replace that there.  I handed her my volunteer bracelet that she immediately showed to her Dad and I was off.  I powered through the second loop and pulled into Special Needs confident and ahead of schedule.  I was greeted by Team eNRG and friends Sarah M. and Michelle.  This was the best special needs service ever!  I got off my bike, rested in the shade for a few minutes all while being sunscreened up and catered to every move.  PS, Sarah - don’t ever let me tell you that I don’t need sunscreen someplace.  The only burn that day was the place I told you I was good!  I enjoyed my peanut butter and jelly sandwich and my avocado, replenished fluids and headed back out.  One loop to go.
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Climbing Jay Road for the final time, the course became a bit congested.  Lots of bikers around, an open road and a hill made passing from the draft zone difficult.  I got tied up in the congestion and next thing I knew I had a motorcycle next to me with the lady official in back telling me that I had a penalty and that I would need to stop at the end of this lap.  As she pulled away, the guy next to me said - did you just get a penalty - I responded yes.  He said that is BS what were you supposed to do?  I tended to agree with him but it was what it was and the penalty was not going to make or break my day.  I stopped again at Bike Aid #1 - one last time for a potty break and refill.  It was fun to see my friend Diane M. there - we had cat and moused some on the course and I encouraged her as I pulled out to get it done!  The rest of the loop other than a head wind on the downhills (not fair) was pretty uneventful.  It was fun to see Winston the pig out in his side yard as I passed his house the last time. (note the picture is from training not from race day ;))  I pulled into the res and joined several others in the penalty box.  We all pleaded our case to the officials claiming our innocence but they had heard our story before.  So five for drafting was a time to get off the bike for a minute.  Have something to eat and drink and get to know the officials!  When the timer went off I was marked and on my way to the bike finish.  The last 7 miles of the course meander through bike paths and the streets of Boulder to get you downtown.  It was a time to pay attention.  Activity on the path, bumps and holes in the road and coned lanes leading to turns.  As soon as I dismounted I heard a call from my friend Barb and her daughter Sarah.  Their timing could not have been better.  It had been a long ride, a long week and at that point a nap was really sounding good!  I made my way to transition and sat down in the tent to prepare for the run.  6:58:54

Transition was a time to rest and regroup for a few minutes.  I was on track for my scheduled day - in fact a bit ahead at the moment and knew I just needed to move through the marathon to accomplish my goal.  Maureen from Team Poppy ended up arriving while I was there and we talked for a few minutes before I headed to hit the bathroom and agreed to see her on the course.  Entering the run course was a stream of familiar faces.  Bill from 303, followed by Mike and Abby and the Carla and Joan and more and more.  My goal as I started the run was to run to aid stations, walk the aid and inventory what was needed and repeat.  I set out and kept this up for about the first 6 miles.  Maureen and I were together for most of this way but she was moving better than me so I encouraged her to go ahead.  The walks became longer and I eventually figured out that I was moving at the same pace doing a run/walk as the walkers were so it turned into more walking than running.  Somehow, all of my professional photos had me running so I guess I ran at some point!  It was fun to see so many friends along the way and have familiar and unfamiliar faces cheering me one.  Someone provided popsicles along the course and that was a great reward too!  I had seen everyone from Team Poppy on the course so at that point knew that the day was on course for success!  Approaching the high school I connected with Mike and Abby and many other familiar faces before heading to the library loop.  Familiar faces at the aid stations and on course the whole way.  I tried to make mental notes of where people were so I knew to look for them again.  Mike encouraged me to keep moving and to perhaps pick up the pace a bit.  I was feeling good and enjoying the day.

The start of Loop #2 found me with my friend Lynette who was on course supporting one of her athletes.  She walked with me for a few miles and sent me on my way.  From there almost immediately, the cat and mouse with Diane brought us back together and we forged off for about 6 or 7 miles together.  We had the most amazing time catching up and reflecting on our days and on our journeys to getting here and kept each other in the game.  Our husbands thought we should run some but we were content as we were.  Thanks to Ocky we also got one of the best pictures of the day to share how great it was!  I saw more friends on the second loop including Bridgit who had no idea that I was racing and was thrilled to cheer.  It was fun to see all of her family there and to receive their support.  Diane opted to take off for the last three miles - we hugged and I encouraged her to press on.  At that point I saw Mike again - this time not only with Abby but Katelyn and Abby Kay too as well as Kimbirly and Beth!  This meant the world.  I had just over three miles to go.  Knew I was doing fine.  Walked with Mike for a few minutes and headed out on the library loop.  I met up with Heather.  I did not know her at the time, but have made a great friend.  She had a headlamp and I asked if I could walk with her and share her light.  We walked the final three miles together, discussed our lives which both involved being coaches and shared our days and our journeys.  We said hi to my family as we passed through the last time and headed to the finish.  I asked that she do the honors of leading us down the carpet to our greetings from Mike Reilly of You are an Ironman!  I was greeted by Mike inside the finish area - an advantage of home turf.  We shared a hug and a moment to celebrate.  I then found Melanie and Maureen, both finishers of their first, to share a Team Poppy moment and knowing Lori and Hande were close behind.  Melanie and I shared a hugs and I squeezed her hard and said “I am so f’ing proud of you!”  Her first, lots of self doubt at the time of our crazy decision to do this and now standing as finishers together!  A true celebration!   (6:39:57)

IMG_2526.jpgTotal time for the day was 15:29:33.  The day ended up being a better than expected swim, about on track bike and a slower run.  But this photo shows what I had projected for the day.  I had accomplished my goals of finishing, finishing healthy and enjoying the day with the ability to walk away and keep going.  I was back on my bike two days post race and completed the Denver Century 50 on Saturday.  Team Poppy provided a great bond for this event.  Friendships that will last forever and a day that we will never forget.  Old friends and new met on course.  Another one in the books and a celebration on so many levels.  They say each one has a special meaning and this one definitely did!  This one was for you Adi!  Thank you for the support.  I look forward to celebrating your finish!!

By the way, my Gator survived the long day on the course as support crew. It was 1 a.m. once we got home. She persevered through the day. And from experience I can tell you that support crew is harder than racing. She posted this the following day. Still makes a Mom cry! Definitely an advantage of a home race - having family there to support!

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