My plan for the day. Eat a healthy breakfast. Complete the first 13.1 in my typical time and execution - approximately 2-2:30. Address nutrition needs and body for the last 13.1 focusing on the finish and making it there in decent shape. Enjoy it and embrace the journey.
Kimbirly, Brooke and I woke up about 5:30. We organized ourselves and our things at just after 6:00 - after a couple of attempts to leave - we headed out. My Mom had agreed to be our chauffeur and had planned to get us to the Light Rail Station in Tempe but once on the highway decided she would drive us all the way to the start. We arrived literally right at the start - couldn’t have planned it any better. Thanks Mom!! There was a Sheraton hotel that had lots of runner type people lingering in the lobby so we opted to join them. We found a nice place to sat down and waited out the start by visiting with others - the two men, one from Denver and one from Albuquerque, that travel around the country to run marathons together - having breakfast, taking photos and enjoying the nice (non-porta potty) bathroom.
We headed out to the start about 7:35. Checked our bags with the UPS bag check and headed to Corral 7. We took some more photos and started to move our way forward to the start. The corrals were not overly busy and moved along nicely. We reached the start. I said my goodbyes and good-lucks to Kimbirly and Brooke and we headed out.
On a mission to take it all in, it was fun to read people’s shirts, signs and messages and to take in all of the sights.
Among the people - the lady dressed as Minnie Mouse as we tried to decipher the guy in what looked like a pickle or a green bean costume that turned out to be a cactus… that made sense! The guy running with two big speakers and the music cranking. The guy dribbling a basketball the entire way (confirmed that he finished still dribbling!). The guy with the massive bottle of Tic Tacs or something similar that jiggled with every step. I tried to sync my cadence to his so I would be timed with the shakes! Two different people with their first marathon signs. I patted them both on the shoulder and told them congratulations. Fun to hear the support they received from others. The guy in his USA Duathlon National Championship jacket that was with me most of the day - we finally talked a bit around 23. Meeting Judianne officially after talking to her off and on along the way. She was dressed as a police officer - hat and all and had a shirt on that said Thank a Cop. Had the pleasure of talking to her boyfriend - the cop - around mile 22. Was fun to talk through the last few miles and push hard to finish. Congrats Judianne!
Among the sights - The second or third band from the start with the little girls (not more than 10 or so) rocking out - wondering if they will be the next big name in a few years. The Mexican restaurants and the good smells...that was a bit of torture to say the least. The beautiful homes along the course on Missouri avenue and in the surrounding neighborhoods. Seeing new areas of town that I had not visited before. Enjoying the familiar sights providing a landmark to our location. The cheerleading and spirit groups along the course and the rest of the bands - each unique in their own way.
Among the spectators - The little old man sitting on his walker outside of the senior home saying good morning to everyone that passed. The group of about 10 70-80-somethings at the end of their driveway with a large speaker having a ball and dancing to Footloose. The fresh oranges from people’s trees in their yard - definitely a treat! The kids standing along the side cheering on their Mom’s - that one always makes me tear up a bit! My Mom waving at the Finish as soon as I crossed. She was standing almost directly next to Renee and Susan at the Finish and was surprised to hear them cheer for me too - I introduced them through the fence.
The race went pretty close to exactly as I had planned. My half time was 2:17 - right on target especially considering the bathroom stop just before mile 11 where I enjoyed a few minutes of rest. The second half was focused on maintaining electrolytes and nutrition and listening to my body. I walked some but ran more. My legs were definitely fatigued toward the end but overall things felt really good. My Dad told me the day before the race that he thought it would be about a 5:30 finish. I kept his voice in mind as I pressed along the way. And, I enjoyed the journey! It was a fun day! 5:10:52. Marathon PR! One Day...One Step.
Congratulations on a wonderful finish, Kim. I enjoyed it as you remembered your day. Sounds like a wonderful journey and memorable day.