Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Pressing the Reset Button

Do you remember the days of playing Atari or Nintendo (that just dated me a bit!) and getting frustrated with the outcome and instead of finishing the game you pressed the game reset button instead?  I remember many games with my older Brother and seeing the potential that I would lose again and quickly pressing the button.  Boy did that make him mad, and I am sure that there were a few arguments and potentially bruises that resulted from the decision!  Other than a little bit of sibling bonding (as we will call it), there was no major impact of the reset button other than providing new optimism at the possible outcome of a win.

Fast forward to today and what I have been working on for the past three weeks - pressing the reset button.  I came home from my race in Arizona feeling a bit defeated all around.  Our busy schedules, parenting, new activities, job adjustments and no immediate finish line or goal that I was seeking.  I found myself going through the motions of the day and reflecting back at the end of the day to determine that I hadn’t really accomplished anything that needed to be done and that my overall mindset was “trashed.”  As much as we try to avoid the downward spiral, it happens to all of us but fortunately through education, experience and life I have learned that there is an option for the reset button in life as well.

I took the weekend off - a little coaching, a little training and worked on a project that I treasure that I tend to put off and decided that Monday was the day.  Monday, 11-9-2015 I pushed the reset button.  The button stuck a bit and Monday was not exactly as I imagined but I have been making forward progress since and excited about the new opportunities that I am seeing now.

My reset button involves going “back to basics” - to the things that I know work for me and sticking to them.  My biggest item is my morning routine.  I wake up with enough time to read the Facebook Times, something that I enjoy, reading at least 10 pages of a non-fiction book themed toward mindset, education or topics that are of interest and will help me expand, and finally journalling.  I don’t always write a novel but it brings reflection, opportunity, gratitude and more.  I have been fortunate to have coffee delivered to my bedside every day this week by Mike and value the fact that he supports and respects this ritual.  

The next step has been to finish my morning routine by showering and getting to my desk.  This was a spot that I’ve been getting lost and I am working on.  Next I work on developing the task list, focusing on the must dos, the lower priorities and start chipping away one step at a time.   I ensure daily that I make time in my schedule for my workout as I know this is not only something that I want but that I need and I focused on being planned and prepared for what is to come in the next day, week, etc.  

We all break the path of what we should be doing getting caught reading Facebook, emails, articles or busying ourselves with something that is not a priority item.  It’s normal but the key is that we are able to get back to basics and live our lives as we attend to.  

As we near the end of 2015, it is time for reflection.  Are we in the place that we planned to be, have we reached our goals, established a path for continued development and are we on track or is it time to press the reset button.

One Day...One Step.

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